The Diary

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New York, Octbr 7th 1883.

Oct 7th Sunday.

Musical arrangements are placed in my hands. At 11½ A.M. the following telegram dated "Dresden arrives "Bradon unsern besten Gluckwunsch " Rafts.  Am at store all afternoon working, fixing up German translation of No 50.000 article. Work til 10 in ev'g writing to Papa Ranft & fixing deeds to and from Jurgen Rathjen  


Octbr 8th Monday.

Cool fine day. Wife & baby quite well, and Willie too charming for any thing, Madame Amy Sherwin calls promises to sing next saturday at L.K. Matinee gratuitously measured baby and found him (like Willie at his birth) 21 inches long and 13¼ inches around chest. Willie measured 13½ inches around his chest at birth. I feel exceedingly bouyant in spirits. Am excessively busy all day. Mr. Stengel, Sembrichs husband & Consul Schlesinger call, Richd Gördeler calls, Mrs. Kessler and Else Wannschaff call again, I write out Adt. for the latter. Amy Sherwin and Helene Wagnerchaff call, I engage them for next sat L.K. Matinee. Home in evening Geo & ladies to Thalia Theatre Spitzentuch der Königin


Oct 9th Tuesd.

Cool beautiful day. find wife & baby in best condition Willie lovely and very wild & energetic. Everything seems to pass off normally, baby nurses freely and wife has plenty of milk, and feels well. After lunching home, see Nägeli who has made a life size portrait of me, which with a few alterations will make an excellent picture. At 3 P.M. Mrs. Dutcher calls in great distress, I hand her $10. as a donation. Also receive a Cablegram from Theodore Bremen, Start Elbe Bravella" Mrs. Kessler also called yesterday and today, loan her $200 to commence a boardinghouse on East Broadway which she says has been offered to her cheap. Jurgen Rathjen also calls, brings me his deed, arranges my loaning him money on the two houses he builds at Astoria. In eveg at L.K. enormous

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