The Diary

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New York, Octbr 13th 1883.

Oct. 13th sat.

Rain in forenoon & clearing up in afternoon Pay L.K. dues for St. family members to Oct 1/84. All papers report my purchase of a box last night. letters from Theo & Chas. St. also one from Eng. Eschrich Strasbourg trying to borrow money. At 2.15. P.M. in carriage with Paula Martha, Julia + Arth. Cassebeer to L.K. in spite of bad weather over 1000 ladies & children attend and enjoy the Musical Matinee Schlittenparthie in which Paula George + Martha assist concludes entertainment and is splendidly given. At 6 P.M. after bidding Miß Wannschaff good bye, commence at Bankett of Progress Club, also make a speech there. This Club laid Foundation stone of their Club house in rear of L.K. and is permitted to hold banquet in L.K.Rehearsal room
Papa Ranft cabled Brachte Albins Brief nichts

Oct 14. Sunday.

Col. Mapleson said to have arrived. Lovely day work at store til 1 P.M. Wife & baby well, the latter nursing eagerly, and wife abundance of the finest milk. Am at Astoria in afternoon, at new R.R. depot +c. H. St. drives me to 89th str. L. road station at 6 P.M. Home in eveg writing

Oct 15th Monday.

Wife feverish yesterday & today, little baby well At 9 A.M. George, Paula & Martha start for Phila & Washington. I gave them $200. Joseph P. Hale reported to have died this morning. At 12 o'clock meet R. M. C. Graham at Condert Bros. at their office and close sale of Louisa A. Steinway's house No 125 E. 52d str. for $20.000 viz Cash $7500. and $12500. Mtge for 3 years. I then take lunch with him at Delmonico's, also Bertschmann Mr. Keene & Baron Janckowski there. Balance of afternoon writing at store, loan Conover Bros. some money, also loaned Standard Gas Co. of Astoria; $2000. some seventy forty shares of stock being the Collateral. Home in eve'g working til 10 PM It is growing cold. Wife feverish

| death of Joseph P. Hale
death of Joseph P. Hale