The Diary

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New York, October 28th 1883.

Oct 28th Sunday.

Work at Store in forenoon, baby Theodor getting along splendidly nursing fully and sleeping finely. Received Postal Card yesterday that Harry E. Freund will commence Freund's Weekly Novbr 10/83 which is to be under the direction supervision of John C. Freund. At 5 P.M. to Zieglers with Theo. Schmidts, Cassebeers, and the Nephews at 7 P.M. to L.K. Geselliger Abend for ladies & gentlemen which I conduct, and which is crowded. The L.K. String Quartet, Richard Arnold Max Heinrich, flutist Oesterle, Agnes & Effie Huntington Rank + Reynold assist. Dulcken accompanies, and it turns out to be a splendid success, heavily crowded room, over $400. being taken in. Dr. Mohr also there. He George & I at 1¼ A.M. in Coupè home, he to Hoffmann house

Jaboc Ziegler fell & broke his right arm

Oct 29th Monday.

N. E. Storm, Alfred Schlesinger called in forenoon to take leave, removing to Lausanne, Switzerland. Wife still in bed, for prudential reasons, baby Theodor and Willie in fine condition. Home in eve'g

Oct 30. Tuesd.

At Sun Mutual Ins. Co. sign authority to withdraw my claim as to Alabama Geneva award Dr. W. Mohr calls, takes leave, starting with Fulda tomorrow At L.K. in eve'g, Mischka & Gelbke from Buffalo there. With Thomas, my George, Theodor & them in "Kneipe" home at 1½ A.M. Theo. having worked at Office and I to L.K. via 6th Ave early

Oct 31st Wed.

Judge Hall calls, relative to his testifyhing in Vandyke suit next friday. At 12 o'clock to Zieglers take lunch, with Theodore, my Willie and his nurse to Astoria, weather lovely. We look at Walheims Carver shop, depot, our factory had Gas finely, for two weeks past. Mayor Petry and young Beemer called in forenoon, I contribute $250 towards his election. Home in eveg reading + writing