The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 3d 1883.

Novbr 3d Sat.

Lovely weather. At 1 P.M. with Theo. and Johnson from Louisville to Astoria. He is highly pleased. Remain home in eveg, take warm bath. Baby Theodore Edwin weighs 10 Pounds

Novbr 4th Sunday.

At store in forenoon. Business both Retail and wholesale has been immense during the past week. At 3½ P.M. drive with wife, Willie and Theodor and their nurses to Zieglers, Henry Zieglers baby is baptized by Pastor Krüsi, Eleanor Theodora Ziegler. Jolly party afterwards, Theo. + I make speeches, wife drives home at 8 P.M. enjoying it much. I play Skat with H. A. Cassebeer & Chas. Held, first Theo. + then Charles & lose 52 Cts. Home with George + Paula by horsecars 11 o'clock


Novbr 5th Monday.

Lovely day. F. Rallmann calls says Mapleson broke his contract with him & that he will not pay his note demands it back from Col. Mapleson. Mrs. Evers calls, says that Mrs. Luther wishes to come back to America. Liut. Count Zacharoff of the Mann Boudoir Car. Co. calls, desirous to know if we will furnish a piano for the Patti Car, to be in Amaranthe Wood. Lida I. Clinch from Sacramento, Cal. arrives with a letter of Intrion from A. Heymann of that City. At German Savings Bk in eve'g, afterwards with O. Ernst, & Gunther at Rapid Transit saloon. Home at 10 PM


Novbr 6 Tuesd.

Voted early, Van Brunt Nehrbas, Jac. Hess +c M. Steinert pays $5.000. Cash, I promise to put the Agency for Mass. into his hands, including Springfield & Worcester. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Steinert. At 1½ P.M. with R. H. Wolff & Hochheimer in Carriage to Astoria show them our place, go through Ravenswood. To L.K. via 6th eveg. Remain with Theodor in Kneipe til 12½ AM.
