The Diary

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New York, Decbr 22d 1883.

Dec 22d Sat.

Heavy Snow on the ground. Busy all day. Christmas tree being fixed up home. Henriette Weisser said to act strangely at boardinghouse No 113 E. 14th street. Home in eveg. Chas. Benner called w. complaint

Dec 23d Sund.

At store from 9-11½ A.M. to Arion Hall, final Session of joint Com. Pass all bills of Dec. 18/83 Concert for German Hospital, in all $238.58/100 of which L.K. and Arion must pay to me one half each, I having paid all the bills. After dinner call at 113 E. 14th str. see Henny Weisser, who seems to be rational, but Mrs. Arnold describes to me her hallucinations. Home in evening


Dec 24. Monday.

Heavy Snowfall during the night, my R.R. runs Sleighs this morning in L. Isl City. Dark foggy day, burning Gas in my office from 3½ P.M. George is quite well again & is helping the ladies with the Christmas tree. At 5½ P.M. RRanft jr & wife being present, the presentation begins. I wife $100. George $25, Paula $25 each of the six girls in the house $20. Uncle Theodore gives George + Paula each $10. wife & Paula a nice pocketbook and baby Theodore Edwin, his god child $100, which I shall invest for a Liederkranz bond for him. Baby Willies excitement is immense, we can only remove him after quite a while to his room, and his admiration of the Christmas tree is unbounded, he always says "O die vielen Gucklichter" R.Rt jr. & wife, stay til 8 P.M. then go to Papa Kapp. We stay together til 10 P.M. chatting & drinking cold punch


Dec 25. Tuesd.

Christmas day. Am at store at 9 A.M. heavy mail with $6000. in remittances. Heavy thaw has set in. Write letters in afternoon at home and play Kreuz marriage with wife George + Paula in eveg. Willie is very lovely all day, speaking whole sentences