The Diary

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Febr 1st 1884. continued


a splendid affair, Miß Juch., Miss Garlichs & Mons. Musin all doing splendidly, house filled and all satisfied. Home at 10½ PM, glad that the day is over

Febr 2d sat.

Beautiful day. Very busy. Pat Gleason comes in with Harry Low, pays $511. more for Coupons, says that he already paid Chas. Benner for about $154 of them. I give him a good talking to. In afternoon Smith and Herm. Kleber come, and we try and settle up affairs of St. + H. Pt. R.R. Co. to Jan 1/84 + strike an exact balance At 7 P.M. Surprise party for Theodor St. in my house the whole family (except Louisa Cassebeer) being assembled, also Geo. & Ed. Kreischer & wives, Chas. Held & wife, F. O. A. Schwarz wife and daughter, merry and pleasant, til 2 AM when the party breaks up. Consul Feigel saw me relating Chas. Lenz


Febr 3d sund.

Lovely clear day, feel pretty well, work at store in forenoon. After dinner take a drive with wife, Paula and Willie through Central Park, then with Theo. through factory, look at new style D with single ring bridge, & treble bell, also find that the new 71/3 style O with bent rim is very fine Dine at L.K. in eve'g, splendid Concert which is immensely crowded. Musin & Miß Juch both do well, and Male Chorusses "So weit" and "weisst du noch" are sung superbly. After taking a couple of glasses of beer, home, very tired, at 11 PM

Febr 4th Monday.

Dark gloomy day. Am again greatly pestered by impecunious people who want to borrow money +c. At Bk of Metr. in afternoon, take wife & Paula to Union Sq. Theatre in eveg, myself to German Savings Bank, they now have 16 Millions of deposits. Afterwards I work at store until 11 P.M. when my ladies call for me. It is terribly slippery so that we must walk in the middle of the street to get home. Chas Lenz made important statements to me regarding socialism