The Diary

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New York, Febr. 9th 1884.

Febr 9th sat.

Still dark gloomy + foggy weather. Willie quite well again laughing and running. Dr. Langmann burns baby Theos right hand again. In eve'g with wife, George & Paula to Zieglers for Addies birthday who becomes 21 years of age today. Sent my large Crayon to Liederkranz


Febr 10. Sund.

Lovely clear day. To L.K. Mask session, Build'g Com. about buying lots. See Judge Lawrence. take lunch there at 2 P.M. funeral services of Emil Neymann, Chorus sings Julius Hoffmann makes a most affecting speech. In afternoon with Theo. through factory. In eve'g to Brehms Vorlesung at Steinway Hall. Affenleben

Febr 11. Mond.

Excessively busy all day. Home in eve'g writing.

" 12. Tuesd.

Down town, see Kuttroff about lots get refusal til March 4. see Cotterill, Wingate & Cullen. At L.K. in eve'g Hold Meeting as to lots, take no definite action however Saw Reinhold Hermann as to asst teacher for L.K. He also comes to L.K. in eve'g. Home at 11.30. PM

" 13. Wed.

Very foggy weather again Towards eve'g take a walk down 4th Ave. to 2d Ave. In eve'g Quartett at my house. Are in good voice, Theo. there. Remain together til 12½ AM. Inter with Fritz Herschy regarding Vandyke

14. Thursd.

Still foggy slushy weather. Frank van der Stucken the new Arion leader, calls on Theo. and myself. Home in ev'g writing letters


" 15. friday.

Lovely bright day. Vandyke reference postponed Lizzie Cassebeer has a little boy both said to be all well. Telegraph to "Oaks, Baden Baden" Herzlich Gratulation" Familie Steinway, Annie Steinway marrying Hrn. von Bodman there, tomorrow. At L.K. in eve'g, talk over matters with Adams as to cor. lots. With Thomas til going home at 1 A.M. Wife children at Brehms Vorlesung, through E. Bdway afternoon.
