The Diary

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New York, Febr 16th 1884.

Febr 16th sat.

Beautiful day. At 11 A.M. I proceed to Washington Irving jr. at 212 Pearl str. owner of lots N. E. cor. 58th str and 4th Ave. but find that the old gentleman will neither sell nor exchange. I then proceed to Washington Life Insurance Co. and pay off the $75.000. Mtge on Steinway Hall, file satisfaction piece myself and take three Registers receipts. In afternoon Mr. Ottendorfer sends to me to meet him at the Belvidere house, which I do. We see Dr. Brehm together and learn that Riotte is the sub Agent of Theo. Hermann in Germany. Riotte borrowed 4000 Marks of Ottendorfer. Paula in eveg at Philh. Wife, Bam & Theo. at Dr. Brehms Vorlesung at Steinway. I work at office in eve'g.


Febr. 17th Sunday.

At St. Hall in forenoon, at 11 A.M. to L.K. Mask Session, build'g session, after lunch again there at lunch. Willie lovely and intelligent. Yesterday with Chas. H. St. signed a bond for the People of the State of N.Y. in their suit against Gleason. Steinway + Jackson Ave. Road, bond for $2000. Play Skat in ev'g with H. A. Cassebeer & Chas. St. lose 76 Cents

Febr. 18th Monday.

Awfully busy all day with L.K. matters. At 8 P.M. to Mr. Lanes house, Gramercy pk. to meeting of property owners to protest against the proposed cable Road through Gramercy pk. At 9 P.M. to L.K. Ball at the Academy we occupy box N. It turns out to be a magnificent success in every way, nothing whatever occurring to mar its pleasure. Irving Hall (annexed by bridge) Nilsson Hall and basement being completely filled and the entire Academy being jammed. We walk home at 3 A.M. except George who remains until 4½ AM