The Diary

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New York April 3d 1884.

April 3d Thursd.

Mr. Schalk & Diehl call again. Am invited to act as pall bearer at Mrs. Ottendorfer funeral, also see Paur and perfect arrangements with him as to singing of L.K. at funeral, first assembling at Steinway Hall. F. Hastings Bryant one of the lawyers for Mrs. Bethune calls and seeks to pump me as to Hildreth matter. At 7½ P.M. via 6th Ave. to L.K. in coupè, horrible storm. Bd of Trustee session, home at 11½ P.M. stopping for a few moments at Schmengers

April 4th friday.

Cold clear day. On Wednesday had cabled Chas. "Steinway Steamer Fulda Southampton Maxwell signed sailed Oregon Saturday, Steinway" Today received his answer from London "Arrived Cable received" Charles. At 11½ A.M. with Theo. to Huberts eat Oysters, At 12½ Rehearsal of L.K. under Paur with Orchestra at smaller St Hall then Adams & I head procession and march to Ottendorfers house. Funeral services very impressive L.K. sings finely, Carl Schurz + Pastor Krüsi speak splendidly. In carriage with Schurz, Judge C. P. Daly Andrew H. Green to Greenwood across Bridge Home by 6½ P.M. Then to St. Hall, listen to Concert of Arion. Wife George + Paula to Hagestolzen Thalia Theatre Arion Concert quite fine and Stucken proves a good conductor & composer Am at Arion afterwards til nearly midnight

April 5. Sat.

In aft. see Mrs. Schalk & Wörishoffer regarding Mrs. Evers then 6th Ave, Cassebeer, to 30th str. to Museer Eden, with Baron Sarter look over the entire place, he, Count Kessler + Pagenstecher having seen me in the morning. In eveg, Mrs. Evers calls I tell her Ottendorfer matter, I remain home writing, Geo. Paula my wife to Celias ball, I take warm bath.