The Diary

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New York, April 13th 1884.

April 13th Sunday.

Beautiful weather, Willie is quite well and lively again. Am at store at 9 A.M. working at Theodores will, he is with me til 12½ P.M. He, I, Ranft sen. & jr. after looking at Ranfts 18th str house, call at Schmengers, then to dinner, with David Horn and J. N. Hempsted work all day and get up Theodores last will in duplicate. In eve'g all the family at my house, also Dick & Emmy and Chas. Held & wife, remain together til 12 oclock celebrating Papa Ranfts arrival and Theodores departure. Play Skat with Rft sr. J. Ziegler & Chas. Held, lose 94 Cents, wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

April 14th Mond.

Very busy all day. At 5 P.M. Theodore signs his last will and testament in duplicate, and cancels his previous will. I take leave of him, he starting to Germany by Steamer "Werra" on Wed. the 16th inst. Papa Ranft, wife & Paula to Academy hear Patti in Lïnda I work at Store til 9½ P.M. then to Boston by 10½ P.M. train via Springfield, sleeping car, arrive at Hotel Brunswick in Boston 7 AM

April 15th Tuesd.

Exciting day. Am at Rehearsal in forenoon at Steinerts in afternoon, also Parker house, get box for 6 persons from Loke, give one to Prüfer, two to Steinerts and and three to Mrs. Koppitz, whom I visit. Take dinner with the artists, learn that train with Liederkranz will only arrive at 8.5 P.M. Make all arrangements on arrival that are whirled to Parker house take supper, then to Mechanics Hall, where we arrive just in time to hear the last bars of Eroica, we then filed upon the stage, sing "Waldmorgen" magnificently are encored, sing in response, Engelsbergs "So weit in perfectissimo manner and are again