The Diary

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Boston, April 15th 1884.


rewarded with immense applause, L.K. afterwards assist in Meistersinger, and are then conveyed to Orpheus 724 Washington street, I driving to Brunswick Hotel and sending off long despatch to Staatszeitung. Then to Orpheus, have fine time, make a speech, drive to Hotel which I reach when near 2 A.M. but cannot sleep for several hours.

April 16th Wedday.

Excessively busy. My brother Theodor sailed to Europe on Steamer "Werra" yesToday in the morning. I drive to Steinerts store, to Parker house to No. 2. Milk str. where we eat Oysters and drink Milwaukee beer, at 4.30. P.M. by Express train with 55 Members of L.K. home where we arrive at 10.30 P.M. quite tired

|| Theodor Steinway sails for Europe

April 17. Thursd.

Busy all day, Attorney General denied Freemans application for the State of New York to begin an action against Gleasons road. In eveg with George, Paula and my wife to the Casino ball at Delmonicos, very nice but somewhat stiff, Home at 2 AM pretty well tired

April 18th friday.

Excessively busy all day. All the artists returned from Boston this AM Am at L.K. in eve'g, addressing ladies and Gentlemen of the Chorus, explaining to them all about Sunday Rehearsal & Concert. family + Papa Ranft, at Casino, Opera "Falka" given, home at 1 AM

April 19th sat.

Cool but fine day, lunch early, then at 1 P.M. with RRt sen wife, and Willie to Astoria. Attend to various matters, visit Dulcken. drink Coffee & Champagne with them, in eve'g, wife Papa & I to N. Y. Philharmonic Concert, Scaria sings splendidly, great success
