The Diary

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New York, April 20th 1884.

April 20th Sund.

Beautiful day. Excessively busy all the forenoon with L.K. rehearsal passes off splendidly. After dinner work all day at Office, family driving out. In eve'g Grand Concert of L.K. takes place, immense crowd though confined to members and their ladies about 3000 people being in Steinway Hall. L.K. sings magnificently, and so do all the artists, great success. We afterwards drive to L.K. Hall, I by horse cars, stay there til nearly 2 AM

April 21st Mond.

papers all favorable. Ottendorfer calls in afternoon, asks me to give a bond for $1.000.00000/100 for him as special administrator, saw Gen'l Wingate in afternoon, attended Creditors Meeting of Astoria Standard Gas Company. At Abbey benefit Concert with Papa Ranft and my family, Sembrich fiddles, sings plays piano, Nilsson sings, Campanini all broke up, Irving splendid as Shylock. Home after 1 AM

April 22d Tuesday.

Down town to Kurtz, Mack, Ottendorfer, Steele & Briesen where I sign Gosman affidavit in Gleason matter. Returning, meet Judges Van Brunt and Joseph F. Daly, the latter asks me to get him influence of Staatszeitung for coming election. In eveg at first Wagner Concerts Metropolitan Opera house, which is a great success. Whole family with me. home at 11 P.M. With Schickel at Ranft house

April 23d Wed.

Very busy all day, at 4½ to Westminster Hotel, have talk with Kroeger who wants to go into manufacturing pianos, and asks my help Work again all the evening on a number of important matters until 11 P.M. Draw up new scheme for monthly reports