The Diary

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New York & Philadelphia, April 29th 1884


April 29th--placed in one narrow bed, so that neither of us can sleep. Richd Ranft + wife move to my house today

April 30th Wed.

Return by 8.20 train to N.Y. we arrive to 10.40 A.M. In afternoon, I commence to feel gout in arch of right foot, I walk home however take Blairs pills, then Salicyl, play Skat with Ranft + jr. lose 65 Cents

May 1. Thursd.

drive to Office, take Laville, busy all day Miß Kessler, Ida Kleber, Rosa Clarke, Miß Troitzsch all calling car at 6 P.M. to 20th str. home. Play Skat again, tonight, with Toussaint, Ranft sen & jr. lose 36 Cents. We are badly blocked up with pianos at Warerooms and factory

May 2d friday.

Lovely day. Am much better & can walk pretty straight Willie surprises us by calling every one of us "Du Schweinigel" Had flagpole with Trademark put on Steinway Hall yesterday, lunched at U. Sq. Hotel. Business is very bad all over the Country, poor Wm. H. Williams having again lost $3400. by the failure of the Bridgeport Organ Comp. Thos. W. Stevens telegraphs that our Flushing Ave bill passed the Assembly this forenoon. At L.K. in eve'g, Board of Trustee Meeting, pass all Concert bills, home before midnight


May 3d sat.

Lovely day. foot nearly well, so that I can walk home and back morning, noon and eve'g. Williams comes in and says that Senator Otis telegraphed him, Flushing Avenue bill came to Senate 2 P.M. was passed 2.20. P.M. and was sent to the Governor. At 4½ P.M. I confer with Genl Wingate as to various matters & am back at Store by 5½ P.M. Business has picked up a little during this week. With wife & Papa Ranft at Wallacks She stoops to conquer fairly given