The Diary

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New York, May 4th 1884.

May 4th Sunday.

Rainstorm. Work at store in forenoon After dinner, with George, Paula Dick Ranft and his wife, and our nurse Bertha with my Willie to Kinderfest Liederkranz, Schlittenpartie played very nicely, Miss Garlichs assisting. Home at 6 P.M. Willie calls everybody "Schweinigel" and is very wild. Papa Ranft was at Brooklyn. We play 66 in eveg, I win 30 Cents of him


May 5th Monday.

Very busy. Standard Gas People bothering me badly, take a walk up Bdway after lunch, my foot being quite well. Home in ev'g writing letters

May 6th Tuesday.

Rainstorm. telegraphed yesterday "Steinway London, Pay Maxwell Thousand Pounds Yandell paid all Cash" Also held Steinway + Sons Shareholders Meeting yesterday and afterwards board of Trustee Meeting. Today held board of Trustee Meeting of Steinway + Hunters Point R.R. Co. Am elected President, Cassebeer Vice President, and Chas. F. Tretbar Secretary and Treasurer In eve'g with Dick Ranft & George to L.K. from where we return with 12¼ train L. road. In ev'g held Com. Session my Idea prevails that the opinion of the active members of L.K. should first be ascertained & to call them together next Tuesday after business session. Correct copartnership contract for Ranft sen & jr. Great flurry in Wall str. failure of the Marine Bank and Grant & Ward at noon


May 7th Wed.

Gloomy rainy day. Business very poor and general business outlook quite discouraging. My Willie gets very wild and naughty calling ^all of us Schweinigel, and throwing everything at his Mama She and I have to punish him by slapping his hands, every day. Mayor Petry and F. W. Bleckwenn Treas. of L. Is. City call on me relating to their funds of $150.000. in the Marine Bank which failed yesterday. At
