The Diary

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New York, May 12th 1884.

May 12th Monday.

A. Jos. Kapp call and spend eve'g with us, he R.R. sen + jr. & I play skat, lose 27 Cents

May 13th.

Beautiful day, raise Oscar R. Steins salary to $40. pr. week am greatly pestered by the Gas fellows of Standard Gas Comp. Our baby "Theodore" vaccinated by Dr. Langmann Richard Ranft jr. and wife go on board Steamer "Werra" in eve'g, Papa Ranft & George seeing him off. Wife + Paula to "Geyer Wally" Thalia Theatre, I at 8 P.M. via 6th Ave. to L.K. which resolves to sing at Academy of Music on Decoration day, May 30/84. Home in drenching rain 12 P.M.


May 14th Wed.

Have slight feeling in left knee from moisture last night, take Blairs pills, terrible excitement down town a number of bankers failing and the following Banks having closed their doors or being run upon "Metropolitan Bank, closed, 2d Natl Bk heavy run on account of $2.000.000 defalcation by young Eno as President a number of bankers and brokers have also failed and suspended. Receive from Saml Tilden through Andrew H. Green 5 $1000 Kansas Gold Bonds to be kept for Mrs. Leila Rummel. In eve'g at German Club in Bissingers room, Committee Meeting as to German Society Centennial festival Oct 4/84 walk there and back

May 15. Thursd.

feel perfectly well. Take $50.000. worth of L. Isl. C. bonds of Mayor George Petry & Fred. W. Bleckwenn Treas. of Lg Isl. C. who call at two o'clock. Introduce them at Bank of the Metropolis where Treas. opens an account. Get our entire Warrants and Police Certificates cashed also $1500. on School bond. Take walk up Bdway, Miß M. O. Allen called several times In eveg, stag party at Hauselts, ten gentlemen, dinner, drinking and chat. Very pleasant eveg, home at 1 AM.