The Diary

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New York, May 16th 1884.

May 16. friday

Fiske & Hatch failed yesterday, and there was a slight run on German Savings Bank, pretty severe one on the Bank for Savings. Am very busy all day At 7 P.M. yesterday at Chas. Hauselts house, 110 E. 25th street fine eve'g, Gust. H. Schwab, L. P. Betz and J. W. Brunn asked me to propose them for membership, which I do at L.K. tonight, at Vorstandssitzung, where it is unanimously resolved to learn opinion of active members on subject of pensioning Mr. Paur +c

May 17.

Lovely day. Matters evidently more quiet, but business is exceedingly poor especially at wholesale; at 1 AM with Adam Weber in buggy to Astoria. Sale under my Cooke Judgement takes place by Under W. A. Sheriff Warnock. Buy all Gas Mains and Service pipe of Standard Gas Light Co. for $1500. the Charter for $150. and 100 Shares of Stock for $2. leave $5550/100 for employees; and $15. for Naphtha & coal. Then drive to Steinway, take lunch with Henry Cassebeer and Adam Weber, settle building of brick Office, R.R. Car Shed +c. At 5 P.M. with wife in red large Car via Broadway to Hunters Pt home at 6.10 P.M. Look over many important matters in ev'g Thos. J. Stevens telegraphed that Governor Cleveland signed the Flushing Ave. bill, at which I am greatly pleased


May 18th Sunday.

Lovely clear day. At work in store from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. call on Miß Ida Kleber 46 Irvingpl. tell her that Kramer will take her and mother to L.K. Willie was so naughty that grandpa had to give him the blows with the cowhide. I work again at store all afternoon. Take dinner at 6½ P.M. with R. Rsen. My wife George and Paula at L.K. in eveg, preside at Social Evg for ladies + gentlemen, Mills Richd Arnold, Miß Barton, Reynold+Plock assist, very fine eveg S. B.Schlesinger introduces Count Pourtales to us. Take dinner afterwards home at 1½ AM well pleased
