The Diary

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New York, May 19th 1884.

May 19th Monday.

Terribly busy all day. With wife to George Mosle, become acquainted with Runge from Galveston, at 10 P.M. I go to Museè Eden, take leave of Count Kessler, giving a little "Abschiedsessen", we sing and are jolly. Home at 2 A.M. Had my hair cut in afternoon. R.R.sen. to Boston

May 20th Tuesd.

Hounded all day. Write to Theo. in eve'g. At 10 P.M. to L.K. where wife, George & Paula are bowling. The active members on invitation hold an informal meeting, and after considerable debate in which I finally take part, the question if it is desirable to make a change in the second or assistant directorship is put and reveals 50 ballots in favor of the change and 27 against the change. Eat raw Oysters at Stills home, 1 AM

May 21st Wed.

Call at Tax Office, see Commißioner Donelly, also Cadwell, the Court of Appeals having decided that Corporations can only deduct assessed valuations in Real Estate, which will cost us upwards of $20.000. pr annum more tax than heretofore. Our Willie is beating the children in Gramercy Park and bombarding them with missiles of all kinds Tretbar who has been at Buffalo, returned last Monday sick and is now laid up with Pneumonia. Business revives slightly. After supper am again at Store looking over returned checks from Merchants Natl Bk. Wall street still feverish and excited, Papa Ranft arrives from Boston 11 PM


May 22d Thursd.

Lovely day, Tretbar a little better, Fagan commences to drive piles for new car shed next to Depot of Steinway + Hunters Point R.R. Comp. at Steinway, N.Y. Baby Theodore Steinway was revaccinated by Dr Langmann on Tuesday, the first vaccination not having taken. At 6 P.M. with wife Geo. + Paula & Papa Ranft to Van Auw 47 E. 75th to dinner, Delius there, I have to leave 8.15. P.M. attend Com. Meeting Germ. Soc. at German Club. arranging for Oct 4/84. Walk to Schmengers with Hoffmann + Adams, home midnight
