The Diary

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Astoria, June 14th 1884.


feel touch again in right arm, and paint with Iodine in eve'g. Fritz & George at L.K. Summernights festival at Washington Park

June 15th Sunday.

Walk much better, paint right arm with Iodine in forenoon drive with R.R. new span of horses down to cor. St + Jackson Ave. R.R. fire at Blissville, in afternoon with another span of brown horses which are quite nice. Drive to Burkard who takes some fine Photographic Views of myself wife & family. Home in ev'g Sleep splendidly

June 16th Mond.

Lovely cool day. To New York with the new horses, get into a towering rage learning that the servants have cut down the four trees under a mistaken Idea that my wife had ordered it. I lunch at Hotel Dam. Am much improved and walk better, though still feeling strain in my right arm, Papa Ranft, my wife and Paula visit steamer Ems at Hoboken, we all take 6 P.M. boat to Astoria my appetite is good. In my cars to Flushing Ave. Meeting with W. H. Williams, we resolve to construct balance of sewer in East End of Ave. and forthwith macademize Flushing Ave. Home at 10½ PM Sleep splendidly

June 17th Tuesd.

Beautiful cool day. Am again much improved in right foot and arm. Business growing better and money matters easing up. George Lyon orders 80 pianos to be shipped to them at once. At 7 P.M. by 4th Ave. R.R. to L.K. eat supper, attend Com. Meeting, resolve to have Carl Retter come here on trial June 27th, Report for Com. to Society who unanimously approve of this proposed measure