The Diary

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Astoria-New York, June 22d 1884


yesterday one of Williams men was drowned, and a man named J. F. Meyers, Clerk of J. Rathgen accused of committing outrages on little girls. Play Skat with RRt sen & Henry A. Cassebeer jr. lose 35 Cents


June 23d Monday.

Lovely weather. Yesterday we did the heaviest business on the R.R., viz. took in $173. and on Sat. $105. Feel touch in both feet this morning. Try Dr. Taylor's Medicine but return to Salicylic powders. Decide to take Campbell as Gen. Manager of my R.R. + Smith to send in his resignation to take effect July 1/84. Hünerbein calls with specification for paving and macademizing Flushing Ave. Williams also calls

June 24th Tuesd.

Drive all the way to Hunters Point with Papa Ranft and Willie, Smith handed me his resignation as Gen. Manager Weather close but not too hot, am at L.K. in eve'g, after seeing Campbell at my office in afternoon At L.K. report that Retter will be here friday and that Winkelmann, Materna & Scaria cannot come next Tuesday Took dinner there. Take warm bath on returning home to 26 Gram. place. Sleep splendidly

June 25th Wed.

From 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. at Vandyke trial at Cotterill summing, Wilcox submitting brief, Cotterill goes on from 3-6 P.M. after Wilcox, who, it appears to me makes very weak argument. Then proceed to St. Hall, read letters, eat supper at Hotel Dam, by L. Road to 34th str. by car to Depot, then walk in rain home,arriving greatly to joy of my family, at 9 P.M. Learn that Menzl will not take back Schwaneflügel. Heavy N. E. Storm during night

June 26th Thursd.

Rain storm continues, RRt + I going in Car to Hunters Point & then in 4th Ave. Car