The Diary

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New York + Astoria, June 26th 1884.


Have my nails cut, have conversation with R. Clarke, Home in eveg, approve Menzls discharge of Schwanenflügel. At Bk Metr. Meeting in afternoon.

June 27th friday.

Nordheimers Federal Bank in trouble. At 4 P.M. to German Savings Bk. Found Com. there Exam. I look over Mtges and find abstracts back for half a year wanting. In eve'g at L.K. Carl Retter from Pittsburgh directs Probe, pleases pretty well, remain in town

June 28th sat.

Lovely cool day. Paula with Toussaints at Edgwater yesterday, today she, wife, + George with Papa Ranft to Buffalo Bill performance, which they all much enjoy. At Mansion in eve'g, H. A. Cassebeer, jr. stops with us, play Skat with him Papa Ranft, lose 35 Cents

June 29th Sund.

Lovely day, baby Theodore has his first tooth, below towards his right cheek. General rejoicing. Work all afternoon, Play Skat in eveg, win 21 Cents

June 30th Monday,

Scaria, Winkelmann Friedrich and Miß Juch call, at 6 P.M. after having my hair cut, dress in dress coat, to Sieghortners, Thomas dinner, very nice, home at 11½ P.M. by 4th Ave car

July 1st Tuesd.

Yesterday Eberspacher and Vanderhoof got the job of building for Papa Ranft. Take a walk to 10th str. meet Winkowitz. Eat supper at L.K. Winkelmann & wife there. Thomas comes also Retter and Heimendahl, a very jolly evening Thomas conducts at Jubilee with immense effect. Home after 12 oclock, drank 6 glasses of beer, the first in 6 weeks sleep splendidly

July 2d Wed.

Very hot, took cold shower bath which much refreshed me. At 11 A.M. with Adam Weber in buggy, to steamer Elbe see Thomas, Materna, Juch, Winkelmann Scaria, B. Kreischer and Henschel off. Am