The Diary

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New York, July 23d 1884.

July 23d Wed.

Quite warm. Busy all day, stop at Horse R.R.stable. The receipts show a very gratifying increase, last Sunday we took in $200. the largest receipts thus far. New Office building being occupied in Astoria factory yard. In eveg. fearful thunderstorm, during which I attend Flush. Ave. Meeting. to my disgust only Kouwenhoven is there, and we must adjourn without opening the bids for paving & macademizing Flush. Ave Walk from depot to Mansion in drenching rain

July 24th Thursd.

Quite warm. At noon to factory, take dinner with the boys, talk over sale of No. 4 Union Sq. to take place tomorrow, receive Com. of our men who invite me with my family to come to their picnic next Tuesday At Astoria, it rains during the night heavily

July 25th friday.

Rains all day, I attend sale at auction of No 4 Union Square, which is sold to Isaacs of 19th str. for $69.000. Freunds have a furious onslought on Flörsheim + Blumenberg also mentioning our name in connection with it At Astoria in eveg writing. Gas now supplied from my East River Gas Co. good pressure and fine Gas. Bricklayers strike continues

wife .. . .. .._ ... ... . ...

July 26th sat.

Cool weather. Our Office in Astoria factory yard completed and occupied. Looks very fine. In afternoon, look over track, new car shed, Smiths flagging work Yesterday at Flushing Avenue Office, had a hard talk with Burnett about Interest matter. George H. Smith is lowest bidder

July 27th Sunday.

In forenoon drive off rowdies from our dock who attempt to land. It rains all day, fix up Gas Co. Matters and also our new illustrated pricelist. At 4 P.M. Tretbar calls, he I & Papa Ranft play Skat, I win 20 Cents. A fearful east Rain storm prevails all night