The Diary

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New York, August 15th 1884.

Aug 15. friday.

Papa Ranft attends funeral of Henry Volckmann. We are terribly annoyed by stench from No 105 E. 14th str. defective Sewerage, the board of Health taking action & doing the work At 3 P.M. to Hunters Point, meet RRt, wife, Paula + George by R.R. to Manhattan beach take dinner there, see fireworks, train at 9.25 P.M. by my cars home at 11 PM

Aug 16th sat.

Warm weather 80 degrees at my Office, take Harlem boat from Astoria with wife daughter, two little boys & nurse. Last night my cars ran over and killed a boy on Broadway Leave office at 2½ P.M. to Murray Hill Bank then by 2d Ave. horsecars to 92d str. Ferry. Examine R.R.paving on Flush'g Ave, riding to stable in one of my large open cars, stalls nearly finished in upper floor R.R. stable.

Aug 17th Sunday.

Warm beautiful day, bathe in forenoon, work, at 5 PM drive with Paula & Theo. through Dutch Kills. Play Skat with RRt and Fritz in eveg, win 8 Cents. Receipts on R.R. $249.63. being the largest ever had on one day


Aug 18th Monday.

Pretty warm, am pestered almost to death by people in financial trouble. At Astoria in eve'g Willie is quite nervous and cries greatly during the night but is quite well again on Tuesday morning.

Aug 19. Tuesd.

Very warm all day, take supper at L.K. see Fabris at 49th str. relative Opera troupe. Home at 1 AM Very hot during the night.

Aug 20. Wed.

Go through all Annex building 15th str. with Vandenhoof and Byrne. At 3 P.M. to 23d str. cross to Greenpoint. George H. Smith drives me past Calvary, Lutheran & Olivet Cemetery through Maspeth, Newtown, Winfield, Laurel Hill, Blissville, see paved R.R. track of Grand Str. & Newtown R.R. speak to Hyatt Kouwenhovens bro. in law. Sit outside Mansion til 9 PM it is so warm + close, that I sleep but very little