The Diary

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Astoria_ New York, Septbr. 11th 1884.

Sept. 11th Thursd.

James M. Freeman calls, tells me that Genl Wingate informed him, that Atty General O'Brien granted my application agt Gleason at which I am very much pleased. heat 87 degrees in afternoon. Both Willie and little Theo. seem to be quite well. Papa Ranft & especially enjoy our swimbath

Sept. 12. friday.

Somewhat cooler and more comfortable lawyer Andrew Comstock of 237 Bdway notifies us that we infringe A. Brinkmanns patent No 258.214. Let Henry Ziegler find out about it, but he did not meet the lawyers. I stop at Staatszeitung correct mistake about Judge Delehanty, Piano Leg Co. & our name Lunch at Hollenders in Beaver street, see F. Steins then to German Soc. Com. Meeting with Steiger and Brunn, then up 6th Ave, in eveg L.K. rehearses at our Warerooms. Wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

Sept 13. Sat.

Terribly busy all day. Have interview with Genl Wingate, dine at Hollenders Beaver str. have lose Bowels. Miß Juch & Mother call, retd from Europe.

Sept 14. Sunday.

Beautiful day, cannot work as Chas. Held & wife spend day with us at Astoria Play Skat with him & RRt, lose One Dollar

Sept 15th Monday.

Willie is quite well again but very crotchety. Am awful busy, our new Elevator begins to run in new building

Sept 16th Tuesd.

Meet Brunn + Steiger at latters office, fix up all printed matter for German Soc. Centl. Papa Ranft dines with me at L.K. then goes to Boston. F. v. d. Stucken directs in eve'g, Kapellmeister W. Gericke from Vienna spends eveg there. Fancy Dress Ball of L.K. set for Febr 17/85 at new Metropolitan Opera House