The Diary

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New York, Sept. 29th 1884.

Sept 29th Monday.

I am excessively busy all day. We move to town & Const. Schmidt moves into our house at Bowery Bay. In eve'g with family at Hotel Dam for supper, and afterwards at Grand Mass Meeting of German Citizens for Cleveland and Hendricks at the Academy of Music, which is very enthusiastic. Meeting of St. + H. R.R. directors

Stetson retd from Europe

Sept. 30th Tuesday.

Am at Judge Nelsons Office 95 Nassau street, and he, Wm A. Darling + I jointly burn the 100 bonds of $1000 each of the E. R. Gas L. Co Loan Striebeck $30. At L.K. in eve'g, go to Gilsa Post with Chorus & help sing, then attend German Soc. Com. Meeting. Home at Midnight

Oct 1st Wed.

Moved our Wareroom Regulators and Repairs into new St. Hall Annex Building. At home in eve'g writing letters + article for St. Hall Programme

Oct 2d Thursd.

Very busy, at Bank at 4 P.M. get toenails cut, at L.K. Trustee and Vorstandssitzung, home before 12 o'clock

Oct. 3d friday.

Rain yesterday and todayl. To Genl Wingate and meet Jesse Johnson, with whom I negotiate as to sale of Gleasons Interest in R.R. to me. At L.K. in eve'g perfect all arrangements in Centl Com. for tomorrow. Home before 12 o'clock

Oct. 4th sat.

Very hot. Excessively busy with Centl Celebration of Germ. Society, which takes place in afternoon at St. Hall. Our new ventilating apparatus works, but still too noisily. At 6½ P.M. with Papa Ranft + George to banquette at L.K. It turns out to be a glorious success, and Carl Schurz and Mayor Seth Low of Brooklyn carry off the palm Home in Carriage at 1 AM