The Diary

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New York, Octbr 15th 1884.

Oct 15th Wed.

Very beautiful but cold weather, business continues very good. Ohio went republican at election yesterday. Edward Droop writes that he has sold out to Mrs. Metzerott and will continue at old stand, we gave Agency to him and also to Leiter Bros. at Syracuse Louis Hess met me at L.K. last night with reports regarding Campbell At home in eve'g writing. Agree with Gleason on sale RR


Oct 16th Thursd.

Beautiful day, lunch at U. Sq. then to Hunters Pt to E. R.Gas Light Co. to St + H. Pt. R.R. office, to Julie Schmidt take supper with them at Mansion, at Flushg Ave. Com. in eveg home at 10.30. P.M. via my road to Hunters Point.

Oct 17th friday.

At Genl Wingates Office, meet Jesse Johnson and Patrick J. Gleason, we sign regular Contract, and in addition to $3000. paid P. J. Gleason, take assignment of the Johnson Judgements agt the Astoria + H. Pt. R.R. Co. At L.K. in eveg, Vorstandssitzung. Learn that the Wedding of Anna Adams Oct 15. and the Schuberth Jubilees & Wedding on the 16th both at L. Hall were very nicely given

Oct. 18th sat.

Completed arrangements with Amberg, to work off our claim agt him by Tickets to Thalia Theatre Get my hair cut, with Papa Ranft to Gesellig Wissensch. Verein Stiftungsfest at Arion Hall. Very nice, home at 12 o'clock. RRt jr. + wife arrived by Wieland and Hermann Schleicher by Werra


Oct 19th Sunday.

Cool beautiful day. Feel well. Am at store see Miß Juch and her brother Charles with a view of engaging him for R.R. as bookkeeper. Work all the afternoon, fixing deeds and our Astoria Map of buildings, illustrated. In evg Dick Ranft and wife + Chas. Held and wife with us, we play Skat and I lose $1.15 chiefly to Dick
