The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 9th 1884.

Nov. 9th Sunday.

Beautiful day. At store in forenoon Steamer Ems advised to arrive at 2.30 P.M. I leave at 11.30 A.M. for Brooklyn, Steinhäusers house 175 Congress street, lunch with him Delius and Emil Magnus sr. then walk to 356 Dean street, help to sing in two songs, and the remains of Carl Wilhelms are taken to Greenwood. After greeting Mrs. Haas & Mrs. Arming, walk with Joe Kapp and Henry Haas to Germania, spend pleasant afternoon Papa Ranft, we three by L. road home, are there in just 45 minutes from Germania. At 8 P.M. Chas. H. Steinway comes in bring me documents from Maxwell, nearly all left in an unfined state

Novbr 10th Monday.

Lovely weather. Am drawn upon for money in a fearful manner all day. Felt a little heavy in my feet, take some Blairs pills, which soon remove the trouble. Work at store til 11 P.M. My wife, daughter Chas St + Lizzie Cassebeer being at Patti's first appearance "Barbier de Sevilla"

Novbr 11th Tuesd.

Lovely day. Receive cablegram congratulating my wife, birthday Am down town in afternoon, send off R.R. Reports of Apportionments of St. + H. Pt. and Broadway + B. B. R. R. With wife + Papa Ranft at Chas Held to Supper, Play Skat, win 35 Cents

Novbr. 12th Wed.

Down town at noon, give Julius Hoffmann opera box lunch at Beaver str. Hollender. In eveg whole family is assembled at my house` Abschiedsfest for Papa Ranft & celebrating Theo. birthday, Chas St. arrival + my wifes birthday Very pleasant party, to bed about 1 A.M. Schmidt Papa Ranft + myself speak or rather speech