The Diary

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New York, Novbr 13th 1884.

Novbr 13th Thursd.

Lovely weather, at noon Papa Ranft takes leave to go with steamer Lessing to Europe. A very affecting scene occurs, Willie imploring him to remain. we are all moved to tears. Am at Bank in afternoon, Clearing House Committee making an examination for admittance to Clearing house. James M. Freeman brings me the stocks and bonds of the Steinway + Jackson Avenue R.R. Comp. and we endeavor to make terms. At Chorus Soc. Concert, very fine Fush Madi sings


Novbr. 14th friday.

Weather lovely. Business everywhere at a standstill, on acct of uncertainty of Clevelands election, we do pretty well at retail, but hardly anything at wholesale. Have my toenails cut by Dr. Westervelt. I work in eve'g, wife + Paula at Patti, Opera "Traviata" We are at Lienau's with Henry Ziegler + wife afterwards.

Novbr 15th sat.

Lovely day. Start at 8.45. A.M. from store via 92d str. Ferry, attend foreclosure of my chattel mortgage of $1000. agt Walheim Zimmer & Conradi, buy in all the stuff for about $400. Attend to various business matters at stable, then drive with Kittle to Ravenswood, lunch with him and Mrs. Barnes at latters house, by cars to Ferry. In eve'g at store working, Wife, Paula, H. Cassebeer + wife and Fritz St. at Philh. Concert. Fush Madi sings splendidly

Novbr. 16th Sunday.

Lovely day. Work at store forenoon & afternoon business has suffered greatly, no wholesale orders coming in to speak of, only some retail business is done. Our gardner Hoffmann comes from Astoria and I give him a piece of my mind & order him to obey in all respects Mr. Menzls commands. In eve'g with wife + Paula to Heinrich Concert at L.K. Hall which is quite interesting