The Diary

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New York, Novbr 17th 1884.

Novbr 17th Monday.

Lovely weather, Judge Barrett decides Maynards motion for a change of Venue adversely to them, + denies their motion, we paying exp. of witnesses

Novbr 18. Tuesday.

Take a walk up Bdway before supper. At L.K. in eve'g. Stetson starts on a short trip to our dealers, to stir them up. Sent Theodor a sweeping power of Atty for England.

Novbr 19. Wed.

Snow + rainstorm all last night and day. In ev'g with Wife, George & Paula to Opera "Semiramis" Patti + Scalchi sing splendidly. At 10.30. P.M. on invitation to Sieghörtners, to Supper given by Thomas to Joseph Bennett of the London Telegraph, Bishop of Eve'g Post, Maxwell of Cinc. & Bachur of Novello Ewer & Co. present. Home after 1 AM

Novbr. 20th Thursday.

Excessively busy all day, walk up Bdway before supper. Then sleep til 7½ P.M. proceed to Strohms Saloon 266 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, Stiftungsfest of Binnocle Club, have a lovely time, sing Quartett with Haas Kapp F. + O. Steins, make short speech. In carriage at 1½ A.M. with Kapp, Osc. Steins & Bayersdorff across Brooklyn Bridge.

Novbr 21st friday.

Feel quite well, busy all day with R.R. reports Stetson sent in a number of orders from dealers Little Willie can open street door alone, and tried to run away this A.M. Work home in eve'g retire 10 PM


Novbr. 22d sat.

At 1 P.M. with Adam Weber to E. R. Gas works & view them, then drive up to Steinway, Cassebeer Cellar nearly done. At 6 P.M. with wife, George + Paula to Cotterill meet Judge Freedman & family there. Sing with Fr. + Oscar Steins some Quartetts. Have very nice time. Home at 2 AM