The Diary

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New York, Novbr 23d 1884.

Novbr 23d Sunday.

Rainy day. Work forenoon & afternoon at Store, Gruber, Harms and another man call as Committee of L. I. C. Turn Verein. Mr. Oakes also calls in relation to settling down at Steinway with a factory. Again busy with Kleber at Report of R.R. all afternoon

Novbr 24th Monday.

Very busy. Stetson returned from his trip. With Kleber at Reports again in eveg. Wife + daughter at debut of Nevada at Academy of Music in "Sonnambula"

Novbr. 25th Tuesday.

Very busy. In eve'g at L.K. walk part of way from 49 'st. Make programme for next Concert. Am in good voice. Make acquaintance of Henry Kusack, tenor of 223 E. 62d. Home at 12.

Novbr 26th Wed.

Settle Allerton-Mackenzie matter, arrange future Gas Contract E. R. Gas light Comp. with Wm. H. Williams. Take a walk up Bdway, am greatly fatigued, and feel slight touch over left heel. Home in eve'g, take Blairs pills, we all have slight colds.

Novbr 27th Thursd.

Thanksgiving day. Walk to store, touch nearly gone Patti anniversary of 25 years great success. Work all day at Store and finish all R.R. reports ready for signature & execution. Emma Steinbach calls at office. Willie and little Theodore quite well, light cough excepted draw all checks for Taxes payable tomorrow, Wife, George + Paula at Pantomime Theatre, I retire at 9 PM

Novbr 28. friday.

Raining all day, am perfectly well, pay all our Taxes and get all R.R. reports off to my great relief. In eve'g at L.K. rehearsal, home at 12 o'clock. Lizzie Cassebeer reported very sick

Novbr. 29th sat.

Allerton takes leave going South. At 1½ PM. with Chas. St. to E. R. Gas Light Co. making our estimate for L.I.C. contract. I view Astoria + H. Pt R.R. stable, also our own, drive back with H. St. In eveg with with George + Paula at Thalia Theatre "Mann im Monde"