The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 30th 1884.

Novbr 30th Sunday.

Business has been very dull during last week and matters look decidedly blue. At 11 A.M. to L.K. rehearsal, in afternoon at store. In ev'g at L.K. for supper and L.K. Concert which is splendid, L.K. Male Chorus sings Schumann's "Lotosblume" finely, and "Rastlose Liebe" less effective. Euryanthe Choruses very finely. Stay there with wife, George + Paula til after 1 AM

Decbr 1st Monday.

Very busy all day. Home in evg writing Lizzie Cassebeer at the point of death. Volkszeitung

Decbr 2d Tuesday.

R.R. Meeting of St. + H. Point R.R. Co. and Trustee Meeting of St & S. at 4 + 5 P.M. to upper Broadway walk, and in eveg with wife Paula & George to "Probepfeil" at Academy of Music for Hospital. Afterwards at Schmengers til 12½ AM.

Decbr. 3d Wed.

Excessively busy, ship pianos to New Orleans Exposition, take a walk in day time. Home in ev'g writing. Lawyer Morris calls on Greener Patent.

Decbr 4th Thursday.

At last Lizzie Cassebeer improves and is deemed pretty well out of danger. At L.K. Vorstandssitzung + Board of Trustee Meeting in eve'g. Mr. Courier of Mason & Hamlin states that Greener has served papers upon in Patent suit

Decbr. 5th friday.

At 1 P.M. to Astoria, have talk with Nold, Campbell and my George as to R.R. matters, also with Chas. Juch about how to keep books. At Office in eve'g working yesterday agreed with Mr. Jas. M. Freeman to pay him $10.000. in all for his personal interest and as Administrator in the Jackson & Steinway Ave R.R. In eveg at Steinway Hall working. Mdlle Brillanti sings and proves a total failure