The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 13th 1884.

Decbr 13th Sat.

Very busy, see Genl Wingate at his Office, at 7 P.M. with Chas. H. St. H. A. Cassebeer, jr. + Fritz Steins to Patti dinner at Hotel Brunswick, sit next to Judge Jos. F. Daly who presides & sits next to Patti, it is a splendid affair, I also make a brief speech which is well received. Afterwards to F. Krutina who celebrates his 59t birthday. from there to L.K. Tanzkränzchen, where wife, George and Paula are. Home at 2 AM. Genl Wingate called
Paulas 18th birthday

Decbr 14th Sunday.

To store forenoon to L.K. Mask Com. at 11 A.M. work all sunday, Oakes & Hunerbein call. In eve'g write home. Papers all have favorable notices of Patti dinner

Decbr 15th Mond.

Excessively busy, with wife, George + Paula & Fr. St. at Italian Opera, with Patti + Scalchi, in Faust, very fine

Dec 16th Tuesd.

At L.K. in evg, via 49th str. Thomas not there, home at 12½ AM.

Decbr 17th Wed.

At 12 to Bk (Merchants Exch. Natl Bk) take loan of $12000. for 60 days, lunch at Postkeller, meet Tieman & his lawyer Myers at Cotterills office, discuss sale of my land in Newtown to St. Michaels Cemetery, then by L. road to Flushing Ave. office in Astoria, pass resolutions there, home at 7 P.M. Have Rheumatism in my right elbow. Work at store in eve'g

Dec 18.

Intensely cold, am at factory 53d str. meet Menzl there, discuss January order with him & the boys Home in eve'g, arm worse

Decbr 19th friday.

Take Salicyl pills. Still intensely cold arm somewhat stiff but not painful

Decbr 20th sat.

arm still stiff, Call on Wingate

" 21st Sunday.

Terrible Rain + snowstorm, am at Office in forenoon, have a long talk with Fritz Steinway, after dinner work til 6 P.M.