The Diary

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New York, Decbr 31st 1884.

Dec 31st Wed. contd.__

Meeting of St + H. Pt R.R. Comp cancel old lease and accept new ones.  I work in eve'g until 9¾ P.M. then with wife, George + Paula to Sylvester Kränzchen of L.K. which is splendid  Play Skat with Adams, Kämmerer & Kapp.  loses $100/100  Home with wife at 4 A.M. George + Paula later. In afternoon receive the sad news that Papa Kreischer had a strok of paralysis Decbr 17th at Wiesbaden, and Louisa A. St. had a severe operation performed on her. The year 1884 though not as prosperous on account of the fearful depression in business, was on the whole a favorable one, as it left us in good health and the whole family was spared any death. My Willie is a most intelligent wild fellow, and little Theodore can walk quite nicely now, and both little boys pictures of health and strength




 end of the year 1884

George, height 5 feet 9 inches, weight 142# chest 36½"
Paula   "       5  "    6   "    "   "      32"
Willie R.   "       __ "  38   "   "       37½   "      23"
Theodore Edwin   "       __ "  30   "   "       25   "      20½"
Mrs. Ellie St.   "           "         "   "   "      43"
Wm. St   "           "         "   "   "      46"