The Diary

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New York, March 26th 1885.

March 26th Thursday.

Still cold, but fine weather. In ev'g with wife to Toussaints, Quartett, am in fine voice. home at 12 oclock George and Paula at Adam Webers, Soiree musicale

March 27th friday.

Lovely day. At St. Hall, Arthur Claasens Concert very poor, then with Nembach to Liederkranz, Board of Trustee Session regarding ventilation. Rohlfing in town + at L.K.. Home at 1 AM

March 28th sat.

beautiful day. At 4 P.M. Mr. Ottendorfer, Jesse Seligman, Oscar S. Straus, Carl Rose, M. Wesendonck, C. Hauselt Gustav Schwab assemble, take final account, and sent net result of Carl Schurz lectures viz. $2305. to him. In eveg attend opening of Ladies health protective Soc. at Steinway Hall, then work til 10½ P.M. Business is gradually improving. take bottle of Cider & Oysters

March 29th Sunday.

Winter has returned and deep snow on the ground. Am to work at store early, Dick + wife dine with us, work again in afternoon, at 4 P.M. to L.K. via 6th Ave. set up contract for ventilating L.K. Hall with E. Willigerod, Merz, Wendt & Adams being Com. with me. Dine there, then home play Skat with Dick Ranft & Fr. St. lose 28 Cents.

March 30th Monday.

Busy all day. Work home & prepare all for Voyage of family, Henry W. St. + H. A. Cassebeer at New Orleans

March 31st Tuesd.

Warmer weather. At 10 A.M. Steamer Rhein arrived at Southampton with Henry Ziegler + Lizzie Cassebeer on board. Dr. Storck telegraphs to me as to Swiss Mission for him, I telegraph to Bayard & Pres. Cleveland to that effect. At 7½ P.M. take family to steamer Eider, both Willie and Theo. greatly excited wife also very nervous. Then drive to L.K. with RRt jr. + Chas. W. Heldt, fix up contract for ventilation with Edward Willigerod

+ family to Europe, steamer Eider