The Diary

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New York, April 17th 1885


after short consultation telegraph back "Yes buy Pollak factory, shall I cable fifty thousand Marks or mail draft answer"  in eve'g work til 7 P.M. then to L.K. supper there sing, home 12 o'clock


April 18th sat.

letter from Papa Ranft regarding Custom house affairs get hair cut, receive following despatch from Theo. Hamburg "Send mail draft seventy thousand Berlin, must also pay every six months from this October inclusive April seventy eight twenty five thousand upon this basis hope agreement with these Now due eight Mortgages can you send hundred fifty thousand can make application for second mortgage about hundred thousand all remainder cannot be recalled" Towards eve'g I send the following despatch "Try to postpone heaviest payments til November but if imperative I can send One Hundred fifty thousand cable latest date when money must be there" Work in eveg til 10½ P.M. My left arm still feels a little Rheumatic


April 19th Sunday.

Lovely spring weather. At store in forenoon. Attend L.K. rehearsal from 10½-1½. lunch with George & young Friedman. Cable despatch from Theodore Hamburg "Contract signed Need Seventy thousand German Bank Filiale, Next Payment November, Send draft Henry today London Steinway" Theodore has therefore bought the Pollack property at Hamburg. At 6 P.M. with Helene Cassebeer to L.K. Concert + George, take supper. Concert of L.K.very crowded and nice. Afterwards stay til 1½ A.M. with Van der Stucken, Dr. Rausch and their ladies, then take Helene Cassebeer home
