The Diary

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New York, April 20th 1885.

April 20th Monday.

Lovely day. Am excessively busy, Maplesons troupe arrive at N. Y. give Semiramide in eve'g I work til late in Store.

April 21st Tuesday.

fine day, getting warm, Schotts first recital, does quite well artistically. At L.K. for supper and first rehearsal under Reinhold L. Hermann, who proves a man of great ability home at 1 A.M. Still touch in left elbow

April 22d Wesd.

quite warm. Yesterday Chas A. Welles +c were arrested on complaint of John C. Freund + held to bail in $2000 each. Telegraphed to Theodore to cable date when money was wanted, yesterday, and today received answer from him at Braunschweig "Send cabel sixty four tausend next monday to pay Hamburg Steinway so that I at last know where and when to send money. In afternoon at L. Isl. City, go through 1st Ward School, with Mr. Hicks & Gould, they want me to erect an additional School Campbell drives me to E. R. Gas Light Co. Kittle sick, then to factory see Oaks dock, Cassebeer house, meet Ida Schwarz & Helene Cassebeer at Mansion, return to N.Y. up Broadway, at 7½ to U. Sq. Hotel, eat supper, work with Herman Kleber like a beaver on R.R. matters til 11 P.M. Recd a nice letter from wife from Southampton


April 23d Thursd.

Busy all day, send splendid horseshoe of flowers to Patti in eve'g, am downtown during the day, cable to my wife "Paula must not travel alone all well here" (forbidding Paula to go to Frankfurt a/M for Hardts wedding) am at Wiebusch in eveg, after walking up Broadway, and attending Seminar Meeting at Liederkranz, where it is apparent that the Seminary must be removed from Milwaukee