The Diary

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New York, May 2d 1885

May 2d

at 2½ P.M. with H. A. Cassebeer jr. to E. R. Gas L. works, holder brickwork nearly up to level then to 92d str. Ferry, new Compressed air Motor runs in 8 minutes from Ferry to Steinway. Then am at Flushing Ave. Impt Office, in eve'g at Office working til late at night

May 3d Sunday,

lovely but cool day, work like a beaver all day til late at night. Take lunch at Dick Ranfts, took a bath last night which much refreshed me draw out many documents

May 4th Monday.

Almost hounded to death, destroyed bonds of the Steinway & Jackson Ave. R.R. cancelled $15000 Mtge on Astoria heights property replacing same by bonds of St. Ave. & Bowery Bay R.R. Co. held Steinway & Sons Trustee Meeting in afternoon, where we elect Tretbar as one of the Trustees, having transferred 500 of my shares to him, H. W. T. St. refusing to act as one of the Trustees, unwilling to promise that he would abide by the majority, work deep into the night at the office, after being at German Savings Bank


May 5th Tuesday.

Interview with Theodore Thomas, tell him that directors of the N. Y. Chorus Soc. have decided to give him all the Music + library as compensation for his services, am badly pestered by persons coming to take leave of me, Execute a full and sweeping power of Attorney to Chas. H. Steinway pack up envelopes paper and writing utensils get shirts from Ward also collars, Reinhold L. Herman again conducts at the Liederkranz tonight foolish young John Lund having neglected his chance, and sailed for Europe in steamer Suevia. Herman has best chances and steadily growing in favor,