The Diary

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London, July 9th 1885.

July 9. Thursd.

Theodor Hamburg telegraphs "Const Schmidt arrived no danger start Braunschweig." Have hair cut, work like a beaver all day and til late at night

July 10. frid.

Almost hounded to death all day. At 8.26. P.M. via Vlissingen for Germany. Sleep fairly well on board Reach Vl. 630. AM. have nice Comp. on train, arr. at Cöln

July 11.

2 P.M. See Fr. Prein, his pianos and family, proceed at 5 PM. reach Frankfurter Hof at 11 P.M. sleep quite well


July 12th Sunday

Spend day at Wiesbaden, Papa Kreischer and Gust. Heye & family + Mrs. Odermann, bad fever epidemic there. Back to Frankfurt at Midnight

July 13. Monday.

See Andrè receive a raft of letters, see Candidus, Hettie, Ella, my daughter Paula, long talk with Louisa, read v. Bärenfels corr. who asked Hetties hand and was refused. They go to Schwalbach at 4 P.M. I start for Bad Nauheim, meet Ottendorfer, to Frankfurt with him see him off to Munich, then to Frankfurter Hof

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July 14. Tuesd.

All day with Candidus and Hock to fix up his contract for American Opera, cable and write to Locke

July 15. Wed.

Start with 6.25. train via Hanau + Nuremberg for Karlsbad, meet A. Limburger of Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co. in train, also Mr. Seligman of Paris, reach Karlsbad at 6 P.M. meet H. Poggenburg and Papa Ranft at Pupps. I stop at Angers Hotel over night, meet Dr. Grünberger

July 16. Thursd.

Kaiserbrunnen drank, move into Römisher Feldherr. Dr.Grunberger examines me and pronounces me absolutely well & all organs perfect. Take my first Moorbath


July 17. friday.

Weather lovely, drink 3 Kaiserbrunnen, a little heavy in my feet, meet Otto Borkowski, Ernst Rausch and Commerziensrath Albert Thaland, latter from Berlin. Dr. Grunberger orders Moorbath every other day
