The Diary

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Karlsbad, Austria, July 18th 1885

July 18th saturday.

3 Kaiserbrunnen 2d Moorbath at 7 A.M. Cablegrams from and to Locke. Meet young Bertschmann

July 19th Sund.

Lovely weather Theo. Wilkens comes, drink two Muhlbrunns and 1 Felsenquelle, take walk, Adam Weber tells me that Theodor Wilkens at 9 A.M. had an apoplectic fit, visit the latter

July 20. Monday.

fine day, drink 1 Mühlbr. + 2 Felsenquelle. In afternoon F. v. Riedl calls, drive with him to Posthof + walk back. Cable to L.K. as follows "Liederkranz Genesee Hotel Buffalo, NewYork Liederkranz soll leben sind heute im Geist bei euch" William Steinway, Henry Clausen, Adam Weber, Henry Poggenburg" Have Dr. Hadschek examine Wilkens, excessive smoking only, have long conversation with Henry Clausen as to their firm organizing

July 21. Tuesd.

Cold day, l drink 2 Mühlbrunnen + 2 Felsenquelle, 4th Moorbath Receive answer by cable at 10 A.M. "Steinway Carlsbad Musikalischer Salamander unseren Freunden in Carlsbad Ausflug grosser Erfolg" Liederkranz" Am greatly pleased

" 22d

Quite cold, 2 Mühlbrunn + 2 Felsenquelle, walk with Papa Ranft, who lives with me at Römischer Feldherr

" 23d Thursd.

5th Moorbath drink regularly like yesterday, Take a walk over the Schlossberg in eveg. Fechtler died in Badenweiler, a few days since.

" 24th friday.

Quite cold, 6th Moorbath, same drink. feel very good, Ebeling and Wilkens call, loan former my Overcoat for New York. death of Genl Grant in America. buy Jäger underwear & socks with toes. Was at Cumberlands entertainment

" 25. sat.

With Clausen, Schellinger & Weber at Marienbad. On returning Papa Ranft tells me he must go to N.Y. Dick Ranft having cabled trouble in the Custom house. Papa Ranft greatly excited

" 26. Sunday.

Work all day. Papa Ranft starts at 12.40. noon for Dresden, I take supper at Pupp's, 7th Moorbath

" 27. Monday.

8th Moorbath, feel quite well, Professor Strakosch calls on me. In eveg walk to Schlossberg; and back.