The Diary

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Italy, Aug 20th 1885.

Aug 20. Thursd.

-- proceed at 2 A.M. and reach Venice at 5.15 A.M. stopping at Hotel Britannia, where nobody speaks english. See City, Dogenpalast, Canal, St. Marcoplatz feel slight touch in my knee, passes off during the day

" 21.

Am quite well, we depart at 9.5 A.M. via Verona reach Milano at 3.46 P.M. see the dome, La Scala and the City generally, stop at Continental Hotel. Porter turns out to be the same person who was engaged to our nurse, Lizzie Marsch in Berlin & Pyrmont in 1871


" 22. Sat.

depart early via Como over Lake Como to Menaggio by R.R. to Perlozza on Lake Lugano from there by boat to Point Tresa thence by R.R. to Louino on Lake Maggiore, thence by boat on that glorious Lake to Lucarno in Switzerland, where we stop over night in Grand Hotel Lucarno, the scene with full moon being indescribably grand

" 23. Sund.

depart at 9.45. A.M. with wife via Bellinzona for Gersau, meet Wm. Baumgarten, admire the glorious scenery from 1-1.30 P.M. pass through St. Gotthard tunnel, see glaciers and cataracts. Arrive at Fluelen at 3½ P.M. where Ziegler and Theodor await us, by boat to Gersau, find Henry + Chas. Ziegler my Paula Addie Ziegler, Lizzie Cassebeer at Müllers Pension


" 24. Mond.

Lovely day. J. Ziegler + Lizzie Cassebeer depart for Stuttgart, we others drive to Axenstein. Long talk with wife abt J. in Wurz

" 25. Tuesd.

My wife and Theodor + I ascend the Rigi pr. R.R. take dinner there at Schreibers Hotel, back to Gersau at 4 PM


" 26. Wed.

At 2.30 P.M. Theo. my wife, Paula + I from Brunnen to Schaffhausen, stop at Hotel Schweizerhof, splendid view over electric light of the lovely Rhein falls

" 27. Thursd.

depart for Stuttgart arrive at 2.46. P.M. stop at Marquardts Hotel. Wife again feverish. In evg all at Concert in Stadtgarten + take supper there