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Seesen, Germany, Sept 3d 1885


Seesen, where I arrive 1.9 P.M. make a number of hasty visits, promise to call again leave in eveg for Braunsch;. arr. there at 11.18. P.M. stop at Theodors house  Aunt Louise+Hettie +Ella are there

Sep. 4 friday.

See Mrs. Bernhard & children. At Theatre See "Die Sorglosen" with C. Koch, three Knolles, Johanne Candidus all at Zetties Restaurant

" 5. sat.

Papa Ranft arrives from New York at 12.30. P.M. leaves again at 4.52 P.M. See Mrs. Anna Pohlich. Am with Theodor at Liedertafel in evg

" 6. Sunday.

Lemcke + wife to dinner. See Mrs. Bernard again. Depart with Theo. to Hamburg at 4.25 P.M. arrive at Streits Hotel there bet. 9 + 10 PM eat oysters

" 7. Monday.

With Theo. to St. P. Fabrik. Go all through it, arrange German price list, viewed also Grundelsteg property, work in evg

" 8. Tuesd.

Cablegrams to and from N.Y. work all day. See Pollini, with Theo & Hartwigks to Opera "Sylvana" beautiful

" 9. Wed.

Cablegrams to N.Y. complete German price list illustrated. At Circus King with Theo Holwede, Wm. & Harry Candidus, eat Aalsoup afterwards

" 10. Thursd.

Leave with Theo. + Harry Candidus at 8.20. AM arr. Braunsch. 12.29 P.M. Fr. Prein from Cologne calls Home in evg working

" 11. friday.

Prein to Cologne, I to Seesen, visit Supt. Apfel, also Diemer (100 Marks) stop at Kronprinz, with Carl Reinecke, Ed. Bremer Stadtrath Sommer in Carriage all around Seesen, see Feldmark Wolfs Flowerbeds, eat at Steigertahls, then Rathskeller to Harmonie have pleasant time til 1 AM, to Brandt 100 M. Stadtrath Sommer 300 Marks for the poor. Have a very pleasant time generally and sleep splendidly