The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 10th 1885.

Novbr 10. Tuesd.

busy all day. In eve'g L.I.C. Common Council grants privilege for St + H. R.R. to extend road along Jackson + Flushing Ave. to City limits. In ev'g via 49th Str. to L.K. let Wendt preside, and report result of Com. Meetg for Hospital. Second Tenor gives festival to Soc. Kemlitz + Lehmler sing, jolly song on John Blechen, home at 3 AM

Novbr. 11th Wed.

At U. S. Appraisers store in Ranft case, find a number of pianomakers there, I object to act as Merchant appraiser, being Ranfts son in law see Collector Hedden at custom house then rush home for dinner. Become acqd. with David H. Schmidt and propose him as the Mercht Appraiser in my stead. Cablegram from London without signature (probably from Dr. Louis Engel " Society Arts awarded additional Gold medal best pianos Steinway Broadwood" At 6½ P with wife, Paula & Georgie to Chas. house, have nice supper, play Skat with him and Dick, lose 49 Cts

Nov. 12th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day, work home in evg

" 13. friday.

Cable to St + S. London as to truth of Society Arts award and within 4 hours receive answer that it is officially affirmed See Diehl regarding G. Stein, also Bartsch as to article in Gegenwart and Reporter of N.Y. Times. Am at L.K. in evg Amanda Fabris sings the solo pretty well.. John Blechen terribly piqued at jolly song last Tuesday

Novbr 14. sat.

Very busy, H. M. Thompson calls, send off St + H. Pt R.R. dividend & capital statement. Lunch at 12 home, then to Astoria, with Campbell in buggy, see Menzl, look at Park, visit Lizzie Cassebeer, George Paula & Willie there. Home at 6¼ P.M. Work home in eveg, take warm bath Paula with Fritz St. at Philharmonic Society
