The Diary

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New York, Novbr 15th 1885.

Novbr. 15. Sunday.

Wifes 32d birthday, Cablegram from Louisa A. St. from Berlin. At store all day, see Thomas, Bunker and Elwell regarding Thomas case and his Society. At 6½ P.M. the whole family assemble at my house, nice supper remain together til 12 o'clock, Dick Ranft, Chas. Held + I play Skat. I lose 39 Cents

Novbr 16. Monday,

Cool nice day, Col. Mapleson comes in wants to borrow $1800. which I refuse, see Judge Van Brunt at my Office, in afternoon with J. J. Diehl + König to Writing Mfg Co. see the nice present for Gustav Stein, walk to Washington Sq. Miß Kessler calls, takes leave to go to Denver, Col. At office in ev'g, dictating to Stenographer Frank a number of letters. Dick Ranft calls, Schmidt has been appointed Merchant appraiser I telegraph to Papa Ranft "Appraisal Thursday no danger" in order to ease his mind.


Novbr 17.

Very busy, Contribution of $250. to Col. Mapleson, take my wife over to Bk of the Metr. to open an account for which I give her $500. Shipped 94 pianos last week, viz. 29 grands, 59 Upr. and 6 Squares, also 16 secondhand pianos. Albert Stritt, the new tenor of the german Opera calls, he is a fine looking man. At L.K. in eveg walk from 50th str.

Novbr 18th Wed.

Excessively busy all day Work in eveg and was at Astoria afternoon, after going with Kittle over the E. R. Gas Works


Novbr 19th Thursd.

At 1 P.M. to appraisers store Hubert street and Washington str. Ranft case comes up. Mr. Schmidt jr. being Merchant appraiser, I testify and have quite a tussle with A. Dolge, whose veracity I question before the Appraiser Mr. Brower. Work in evg with Herm. Kleber on annual RailRoad Report