The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 20th 1885.

Novbr 20th friday.

Learn at noon that Merchant appraiser and Genl Appraiser Brower decided in favor of RRanft and fixed his disct at 20%, Telegraph to Papa Ranft "Gewonnen gratulire William Steinway" In ev'g at L.K. fix all for next Sunday Eve'g Concert

Novbr 21st sat.

Very busy, at 31 2/5 P.M. Gustav Stein's 25th Anniversary at 110 E. 14th street, I preside very pleasant affair. I + 5 friends give him Silver Service, Arion cane, Beethoven M. knifes + forks, Mainzer Carnevals Club Card basket, Schützen Watch + Chain Staatszeitungs Colleagues bronze Vases, Staatszeitung $500.00. I make brief speech. Home in eve'g working

A. M. Kessler to Denver Col

Novbr 22d sund.

At store in forenoon, at L.K. rehearsal til 1½ A.M. Herman has much trouble with Orchestra Work in afternoon. Blumenberg sees me on account of Dolge who, he says is quite downhearted. My baby Theodors hand (right) is again much swollen but both children are charming, and talk fluently. At 6½ P.M. with wife in carriage to Belvidere House, call for Albert Stritt + wife, drive to L.K. Hall, meet George + Paula, are joined by Miß Lili Lehmann + Niece, take supper at my expense, Concert passes off well, but is too long and too many chorusses Miß Fabris sings her little solo well, Herman debut as Conductor quite good. Kapellmeister Seidl + Habelmann are also there, home at 12 o'clock


Novbr 23d Monday.

North East rainstorm all day. Very busy, Dick Ranft has arranged very moderate account in Musical Courier as to his Custom house case, Dolge said to be raving almost + threatening vengeance. Have a board of Trustee of St + S at Steinway Hall, where we talk over a great many things of importance.