The Diary

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New York, Novbr 24th 1885.

Novbr 24th Tuesd.

Terrible flood + high tide, highest ever known, doing incalculable damage, Oakes Mfg Co. building threatened. At L.K. in eve'g, preside, and hold session of Music Com. Home 1 AM

Novbr 25th Wed.

N. E. storm continues, Ranft article in Courier very moderate, at 11 A.M. to Astoria, meet P. M. Burden, who is beside himself because Menzl had complained about his letters being tampered with. Place in E. M. Whitneys hands property consents to be obtained from Flushing Avenue owners. Look at Oakes and our own Docks, lunch at Lizzie Cassebeers, then drive with Campbell to Charlotteville and through Woodside, Learn that a fire was next door to my house, occupied by Mr. Dommerich + family. We take care of all their pictures and valuables. King Alfonso of Spain died this morning at 9 A.M. at Madrid. At store in eveg working and dictating to our Stenographer in german and english.

King Alfonso of Spain died

Novbr 26th Thursday.

Thanksgiving day. At forenoon in store and from 2 P.M. work til past 10 P.M. at home, writing our Adts and printed matter on Jury exposè. Lili Lehmann & her niece call on us

Novbr. 27th friday.

Hard at work all day getting off mails to Europe also Trademark consent to Theo. St. In eveg with wife George Paula, Chas St + wife at debut of Silva in the Opera "Prophet" at Metr. Opera house, E. C. Stanton having sent me box 40. Met Fred Schwab and had quite a long talk with him

Novbr. 28th sat.

Have hair cut, am excessively busy, John v. Glahn give Judge Van Brunt, Mr. A.R. Kling and myself a nice supper at the L.K. we are in eveg dress, have very pleasant chat til 1 AM. Col. Maplesons Italian Opera stopped with the Matinee today, I having contributed $250. last week towards helping him last week