The Diary

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New York, March 11th 1886.

March 11th Thursd.

Lovely day, Cable reports show intense cold all over Europe. Learn to my disgust that the remittitur to Cotterill was a mistake, and Benzing case is really reversed. Stetson returned from the South today, and business is reviving. Ordered fancy dress suit of Roemer (Dorfschulze) for L.K. Maskkränzchen, home in eveg working

March 12th friday.

little touch in left elbow, very busy during the day. Home in eve'g. Drs. Allen & Lewis call on Const. Schmidt case, send letter of 16 pages to Theodore in Brunswick

March 13th sat.

At 4 P.M. in rain to Flushing Ave. Impt Office in Astoria, close up the most important business, but come home only at 8 P.M. Remain home writing

March 14th sunday.

Work in store in forenoon, with wife in carriage to Astoria in afternoon, resolve to utilize Schwaneflügel house as a laundry this summer, visit Cassebeers & Burkards

steamer Oregon sank

March 15th Monday.

Excessively busy, Cotterill tells me that he succeeded in getting check for $3500 out of the Travellers Ins. Co. for heirs of Const Schmidt Remain home in eveg, send George to W. R. Peters on Cemetery matters

March 16th Tuesd.

Very busy all day, and again at L.K. in eve'g, where I preside at Society and 1st tenor meeting, Chas. B. Meyer goes to Albany and appears before Committee before on St. Michael's Cemetery bill; home at 1 AM. Strike of our 15 Action Boys at Astoria