The Diary

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New York, March 17th 1886.

March 17th

St. Patrick's day and lovely weather. American Opera seems still to be harrassed for money. Lehmann Rummel-Musin Matinee at St. Hall, fairly attended. Mrs. Woerishoffer and Mrs. Riker are in our box. Quartett ev'g at J. Otto Toussaints, am in fine voice, home at 12 oclock

March 18th Thursd.

Very busy. Yesterday Cotterill brought in check of Travellers Ins. Co. for $3500. for heirs of Const. Schmidt I give him $500. out of it, and invest balance of $3000 in Stehler & Knuppel mortgages of $1500 each. In ev'g at Seminar Generalversammlung at L.K. decide to take steps to bring Seminary from Milwaukee to N.Y. City

March 19th friday.

Gloomy day. Alderman Jaehne arrested yesterday and said to have confessed having taken a bribe of $20.000. in the Broadway surface road; have toothache am at L.K. in eveg, Leseprobe for tomorrow night.

March 20th sat.

Excessively busy all day. night In ev'g in Fancy dress (Dorfschulze) at Maskenkränzchen. Only George there Chas. H. St. + wife, Henry A. Cassebeer + wife, Helene Cassebeer and Fred. Palmer, the two latter dance nearly all night together fight between Tiedemann & the Barkeeper, stopped by my intervention, home at 3½ AM take Helene Cassebeer home first. Had left second last tooth drawn, with Gas, Dr. Hasbrouck.

March 21st Sunday.

It rains all day, have slight Katzenjammer with family at German Relief Press Club Concert at St. Hall in a raging rainstorm, Candidus, Emma Juch sing, Joseffy plays, Tretbar assists in Brahms Lovesongs

March 22d Monday.

Consult with Jas. D. Allen & Alex. Moran. In ev'g with George at Kaiseressen, Emperor Wms. 89th birthday at German Club. Very nice affair, am in good voice, sing Jim, Jos. & John, and Quartetto with Fr & Osc. Steins + A. Pagenstecher