The Diary

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New York, April 24th 1886.

April 24. sat.

Lovely day. Drive to Astoria: Hunters Point at 1 P.M. meet Campbell, drive to Woodside, see new Jackson Ave. Extension newly done, see new houses on Ditmars Avenue, see Menzl, new filling in of Riker Ave. Extension, meet Engle at Douglasplace to look at pile driving work to be done for bathing houses. Home at 6½ P.M. take bath + retire early

April 25. sund.

Cooler. Willie + Theo. greatly excited on finding easter eggs Toussaints Silver wedding, present silver knives forks +c to them. Work at store in forenoon, home in afternoon when Fritz Steins + Paul Tidden comes in, after supper they, I and George, to Toussaints silver wedding, sing some quartetts, Wiebusch & Pagenstecher being there Home with George + Paula at 11.30 PM


April 26. Monday.

At 12 o'clock am called upon by Geo. H. McVey and Joseph Helback of Exec. Comite of pianomakers who bring me official notification that our men will only work 8 hours pr day after May 1st +c. Compel them to sign that the matter of wages is to be left to the agreement of employer & employes. Take lunch at Hollenders, Beaver str. see Cotterill as to Bowery Bay Improvement Comp Home in eve'g, working at proposed reply to our men Learn that Lizzie Cassebeer had a partial stroke of paralysis last Sunday

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April 27. Tuesday.

Consultation on strike by myself H + Ch. St. Ziegler Hobein + Menzl. Resolve to submit question of wages to our men in english and german which is done in the course of the afternoon, at L.K. in eve'g, Menzl calls, shows me that Astoria is nearly unanimous for 10 hours. I see also Keller, Klamroth Schmitz on Schmitz matters also Dr. Senner

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