The Diary

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New York, April 28th 1886.

April 28. Wed.

At St. Hall the 61 Employes are unanimous for 10 hours, N.Y. factory, large majority for 10 eight hours with 8 hours pay, Varnishers 8 hours with 10 hours pay I write my german answer which is sent to Staatszeitung for publication, we insist upon ten hours work pr. day, as two thirds of our employes are in favor of it. Translate our answer into english at my house in ev'g, after walking to 9th str. & back.

April 29. Thursd.

Our card reads well in german, very busy all day, home in evg writing cable the news to Theodor Braunschweig

April 30th friday.

Hold Meeting Stockholders of St + H.P.R.R. today yesterday & today perfected Bowery Bay Building and Improvement Company papers, myself George Ehret, Wm. H. Williams, H. A. Cassebeer, jr. and my son George being the incorporators. Our Card in english reads finely


May 1. sat.

in afternoon to Astoria, our Jackson Ave. Branch R.R. opened for traffic to Woodside, see Menzl, meet Ehret my houses all rented, but one. Pile drivers busily at work driving for bath houses at Bowery Bay, Home in evg, working til 11 P.M. Workmens massmeeting Union Square

May 2d Sunday.

Lovely day, at store in forenoon, at L.K. Kinderfest with Willie, the two Cassebeer boys and Gus. Candidus Very pleasant. Richd H. Adams there to our great joy

May 3d Monday.

Strike for 8 hours begins, Meet Ast. and N.Y. delegation at 53d str. at 3 P.M. explain to them that we cannot concede less than 10 hours work pr. day. Am at Germ. Savgs Bk, Eveg, Louisa St. + family arrive pr. steamer Aller