The Diary

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New York, May 14th 1886.

May 14th friday.

Cool lovely day. Yesterday hurricane, Cloudbursts at Xenia, O, with heavy loss of life. The same in Spain I can walk slowly without a stick, take Laville All pianomakerdom seems to have quieted down except Schomackers men in Phila. are now striking for 8 hours work with 10 hours pay. Home in ev'g working. George + Paula at Daly's Theatre

May 15th sat.

foot much better. Rain storm all day more or less. Make contract with Henry Schiffer for building of the Bathing Establishment upwards from the platform viz. from the girders on piles of Bowery Bay Buildg & Impt Comp. In ev'g at L.K. Social Ev'g. None of the family there except my George and myself. I conduct affairs as usual, it is largely attended by members and their ladies, and only stops near one o'clock, when George + I drive home Musin, Emil Schenk, Em. Moor, Fannie Hirsch, Marie Maurer, Tretbar + Dufft sing Liebeslieder, and Dulcken and v. Inten accompany on the piano Frank Lincoln, James S. Burdett and Max Lube also assist. Eve'g splendid.
Alderman Goehne found guilty of being bribed

May 16th Sund.

At store forenoon and afternoon. F. A. Hardt visits me and I give him good advice regarding his Karlsbad Wiesbaden cure. Helene Cassebeer has a terrible cough + cold Hetty St. with us since yesterday. Willie + Theo. enquiring every day of wife, when storck is coming. Home in eve'g, working.


May 17th Monday.

Cool pleasant day. At 1 P.M. with Campbell via Hunters Point to Woodside, our branch doing quite well, see Menzl, meet Ehret, Williams Cassebeer jr. + Geo. A. Steinway on Douglas mansion, hold our Meeting