The Diary

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New York, May 23d 1886.

May 23d Sunday.

Lovely day. Storck still waiting + lingering from appearing. Came home at 1½ A.M. with Cotterill in the street car. Feel well, at store 9 A.M. Have serious talk with Em. Moor on Lili Lehman Scandal and tell him of his foolish talk to Kleinfelder, and the latters and Ambuhls report to me. In afternoon drive with Paula George, Willie & Theo first to Terrace Garden, see portion of Kindergarten, then to Astoria leave children & Paula at Cassebeers, we drive with H. A. Cassebeer to Bowery Bay, Restaurant going nicely Lovely weather, return by way of Hunters Point, Home in eve'g, writing

May 24. Monday.

Looney letter from Em. Moor, refusing to be confronted with Kleinfelder. Lili Lehmann returns from Cinc. calls in response to my letter. I acquaint her with the scandal, she denies but says she will not see Moor any more. Ottendorfer calls + has a talk with Lili Lehmann. I have touch in my right foot rear of ancle, but can walk. Mayor Petry of L. Isl. C. who called called sat. on acct. B. A. McDonald, the money $2345.30/100 having been returned to the Mayor. My R.R. receipts are increasing, last week $1419.61/100 and yesterday over $385. Receive from Buffalo through A. Brunn Proxy of Mrs. Dr. Weiss for Buffalo Frauen Seminary Verein, Home in eve'g writing

May 25th Tuesd.

Excessively busy all day. At L.K. in eve'g. Get L.K. to sing at Acad. Decoration day Preside at Seminar Com. see new Excise Com. Preside at meeting, had a little touch in left right ancle, but can walk